Re-Connections Brunch

Saturday, September 22, 2012 Abilene AAUW will begin our 2012-13 branch events. You will want to make plans to attend this opening event.  Wyllis Treanor is our gracious hostess along with members of the Executive Committee.

Join us for Brunch at 10:30A.M.

1142 Elmwood Dr.     Abilene, TX      79605

  • Visit with friends you haven’t seen since May.
  • Meet members whom you have not yet had the opportunity to meet.
  • Bring friends and introduce them to Abilene AAUW.
  • Learn about the different interest groups within our branch
  • Discover the opportunities offered for learning, serving and socializing
  • Meet Women of Outstanding Achievement honorees
  • Visit with current and former Scholarship Recipients

Remember:  Saturday, September 22,  2012

10:30AM   We will Re-Connect with each other during Brunch

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